Episode 11

In Galatians Paul takes the distorting of God’s grace super personally. In fact he’s so fierce in his defense of the Gospel that he has no problems saying that anyone who’d dare “preach another gospel” other than grace period should “be accursed” or literally - eternally damned to hell.

Be careful who you allow to “preach to you.” Just because someone is ordained, went to seminary, wears a funky collar, has a degree on the wall, or a title in front of their name… Just because someone stands behind a pulpit, claims to be a pastor, and teach “the Gospel” does not guarantee they’re actually presenting the Gospel.

As a matter of fact when the issue at hand concerns the true nature of the Gospel, it’s ok to call out a person’s theology… here’s why… a distorted theology of grace will prove detrimental to a person’s spiritual walk. Because your theological positions drive your personal behaviors which in turn produce lasting consequences, proper theology really does matter! Correct theology insures healthy Christians!

And note Paul was not trying to be mean… He was calling them out because what they were doing was deeply offensive. You see anyone peddling a distorted Gospel is in effect minimizing the sufficiency of Christ’s atoning work on Calvary!

Paul has a reason to be incensed… Basing God’s favor on anything other than His grace alone is to say the precious blood spilt by Jesus on the cross is simply not good enough - that His sacrifice isn’t sufficient. It’s a damnable proposition! Friend the Gospel is worthy of defending for God’s grace really does change everything.