Episode 12

Have you ever noticed religious people are a total drag to hang around? Here’s why this is the case… Since religion creates a false perception of ones standing before God, it subsequently warps how a person sees themselves and their fellow man! As a result, religious people are often hyper-aware of your shortcomings while being completely unaware of their own!

When a person embraces religion by adopting a moral structure as the basis of how they earn and maintain God’s favor, this person will by default hold everyone they know to that same set of moral standards and thereby judge everyone accordingly. They’ll compare and contrast their achievements with your failures.

This is why religious people have gained the reputation of being mean, judgmental, unkind, spiteful, even stuck up. It’s been said, “The worst thing about religion is religious people.” I completely agree.

And yet, if a person rejects religious moralism and instead embraces their standing before God as being through His grace alone they no longer have any basis to judge their fellow man or see themselves as being morally superior because God’s favor is both given and maintained independent of their involvement.

Because religion provides the structure for self-righteousness as opposed to the sole sufficiency of His-Righteousness religion makes us the enemy of grace!

Think of it this way… If you’re climbing a moral ladder to God it’s entirely possible for you to judge those below you; but, in contrast, it’s really hard to have a sense of moral superiority when you’re no longer on a ladder but instead standing at the foot of the cross! Friend, reject religion because God’s grace really does change everything.