Episode 13

It’s important you know it isn’t the concept of grace that will change your life… What will change your life is the moment you experienced God’s grace through the revelation of Jesus Christ! The power rest not in a concept but a relationship!

When we discuss grace it’s so easy to fail to fully grasp what’s being communicated… While God’s love sent Jesus to atone for our sins on the cross, His grace is the mechanism that now affords each one of us the opportunity to know and have a relationship with His Son Jesus.

God’s grace is the mechanism that allows the relationship! Consider… How does a person receive God’s grace? They enter into a relationship with Jesus. How does a person grow in God’s grace? Their relationship with Jesus deepens. How is a person transformed by God’s grace? Their relationship with Jesus naturally changes their desirers and impacts their behaviors.

Understand… God’s grace experienced in your life enables you the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus that will free you from a former life, liberate you from the guilt of your past mistakes, and will fill your life with meaning and purpose.

Sadly, many people have never experienced the power of grace because while they’ve “known about grace” they’ve never “known Grace!”

I can say your life will be forever changed the day you encounter Jesus and will continue to be transformed every day you walk with Hi, moving forward. Grace is more than an idea to know… It’s a relationship to be experienced! Know grace by knowing Jesus! For God’s grace really does change everything.