Episode 16

In several places in the Bible grace is directly connected with the idea of liberty. In the Greek the word used for “liberty” is interesting because it carried with it a very specific connotation. Liberty spoke of a unique legal transaction by which a slave was purchased from his master only to be set free.

What’s interesting is the word implied the slave was liberated not by another man acting on his behalf, but instead through the direct intervention of a god who paid the debt into the temple treasury only to be given a receipt containing the words “for freedom.” What made this transaction so fascinating was that because the individual had been set free by a god no mortal man would ever possess the legal standing to enslave that person again.

You see this word liberty being directly tied to God’s grace specifically stressed the completeness and totality of the freedom Christians have been given by Jesus. This unique liberty provided through His atoning work on the cross possessed a comprehensive characteristic indicating it was done once and for all! The liberty Jesus provides is total and abiding.

In this context Jesus’ final words on the cross, as He’s dying to atone for the sins of the world, take on a whole new depth of meaning. We’re told Jesus cried out before breathing His last “Tetelestai” or literally, “It is finished!”

Friend, through Jesus’ death please know your sinful debt has been paid in full. His sacrifice was made “for your permanent freedom” meaning no one has the right to ever restrict the liberty Jesus died to provide. You see it’s for this reason grace really does change everything!