Episode 23

Why are we so easily susceptible to legalism? The answer: The law is our natural default anytime we take our eyes off Jesus! You see the lie of the many Gospel distortions is that something can actually be added to the message of “Grace alone”… That grace is best served with a partner!

Because the Law was instituted by God to specifically deal with your fallen nature, whereas Grace was designed to operate within a new nature brought forth through the Holy Spirit, Grace is an either/or proposition!

Which is why it’s so important you’re always on guard for the subtle incursions of legalism… Not only are legalistic tendencies natural, but the emergence of legalism indicates you’re departing from God’s grace and His Spirit!

Don’t forget grace is either/or not both/and. You’re either abiding in grace or you’re trying to measure up to law. You’re either free or you’re in bondage. Your right-standing before God is either earned or it’s given… Maintained or enjoyed… Marked by a clinched fist or illustrated with an open hand!

You’re either approaching God on Sinai or Golgotha… Holding onto tablets of stone or bending a knee before a wooden cross… It’s either Moses or Jesus… An example to immolate or a Savior to intervene… Your works or His work… Your striving or His sufficiency. How quickly we exchange grace for the law, liberty for bondage, a relationship with Jesus for religious moralism, His spirit for my self.

Friend, when it comes to God’s favor you must decide… either achievement or acceptance… Walking in His Spirit or your flesh… God’s grace or His law… It’s either one or it’s the other!