Episode 26

Have you so completely stepped in it that you now believe God can no longer use your life? I want you to know this isn’t true… Jesus is in the business of restoring broken people - bringing life out of destruction. Consider the world after Noah’s Flood, God judged the Earth for sin and in the midst of all the chaos and destruction we’re simply told God remembered Noah. Even in the presence of devastation God still had a plan.

You see it would be from this broken world mired in death that God would start the work of recreation. Honestly, could you have a better picture of the Gospel? Think about it… The new life you’ve been given in Christ Jesus can only come after your old life of sin was put to death on the cross! Your old man laid to rest through the death of Jesus (when the righteous demands of God’s judgment for sin were satisfied) rises anew - cleansed from all unrighteousness.

Christian, if you find yourself under this weight of condemnation… What does God remember and more importantly what does He forget? I hope you understand God doesn’t remember your former sins, nor does He recognize your current ones. You have been made righteous by the precious blood of Christ!

How sad it is we, as Christians, allow ourselves to get bogged down with things God has already forgotten! In your defeat Jesus remains victorious. Through your mistakes Jesus continues His work. You see your failure only illustrates one thing - a deeper need for Jesus. What grace that when you mess up God only remembers Jesus! Friend, grace really does change everything!