Episode 32

I knew a man consumed with self - In rebellion against his God. A prideful man, felt justified - Was right in all he did … I knew this man believed the lie - That he was all he needs. For when he failed this stubborn man - Grew harder in his belief.

I know this man condemned by sin - Was unable to break free. So determined in his ways was he - Self-righteous. he was me … I know a man in whom God dwells - Who’s self was crucified. A sinful man found justified - Made right by Jesus Christ.

I know this man’s been made alive - His life’s been sanctified. The Holy Ghost, not self he boasts - Through faith in Jesus Christ. I knew a man condemned by sin - But now he’s been set free. To die with Christ and live in Him - By grace this man’s now me.

Friend, most episodes of Outlaw Radio end with the simple declaration that grace really does change everything. I want you to understand I say this because fully experiencing the radical nature of God’s amazing grace had this very effect in my own life. Outlaw Radio flows not from my head, but my heart.

I can say grace changes everything, because in my life it did just that. I was raised in the church, gave my life to Jesus at a young age, went to Bible College, had even been pastoring for a decade before the light bulb went off!

When I realized I’d been working so hard trying to maintain a relationship with God, and that I didn’t have too… Grace really did change everything.