Episode 5

Christian… You need to know peace with God is only possible once you’ve accepted the grace of God! Over and over again in the Bible you’re going to discover the phrase “Grace and peace!” It’s not an accident every time this coupling emerges the order is always the same - grace then peace.

Let me define what is meant by grace. In Scripture this word simply means “favor.” As a matter of fact the 156 times the word is used in the New Testament “grace” takes on a redemptive quality describing an act whereby God avails His favor to those who patently don’t deserve it.

Some have defined the concept of grace as “unmerited favor” - a favor that God gives independent of the recipient. Other’s have more creatively used the acrostic, “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.”

Understand… It is absolutely impossible for you to ever experience peace with God before you first fully experience the grace of God… You see if salvation was based on your performance peace would never be unattainable because you’d always wonder if you’ve been good enough. Friend, the only way you can truly have peace with God is when you first find rest in God’s amazing grace!

Keep in mind both “grace and peace” are not something you’ll ever be able to provide, attain, or create for yourself! “Grace and peace” are fundamentally something that must be given to you by God… Both originate in Him before being extended to you. Friend, if you’ll simply receive His grace you’ll finally find the peace you’re looking for. This is why God’s grace really does change everything!